( botany) having gynoecia, or pistils, the ovule-bearing organ of a seed plant. (植物学)有雌蕊,或雌蕊群的,种子植物产生胚珠的器官组织。
Edible reproductive body of a seed plant especially one having sweet flesh. 可以吃的、能再生产的、用种子繁殖的植物体,特别是有甜美的果肉。
Any seed plant yielding balsam. 任何凤仙花属的种子植物。
A leaf of the embryo of a seed plant, which, upon germination either remains in the seed or emerges, enlarges, and becomes green. INSECT HERBIVORY PATTERNS ON LEAVES OF CASTANOPSIS FARGESII DURING LEAF EXPANSION IN EVERGREEN BROAD-LEAVED FOREST IN EASTERN CHINA 子叶种子植物胚的叶片,在萌芽过程中,它或者保持在种子里或者出来,变大并变绿常绿阔叶林中栲树展叶期叶片的虫食格局
Gymnosperm A general term for any seed plant except the angiosperms, characterized by bearing naked seeds. 裸子植物:被子植物以外的种子植物统称裸子植物,以种子裸露为特征。
The Flora of the Seed Plant in Wu'an National Forest Park in South of Mt. Taihang and Its Relationship with Other Mountain Floras 太行山南段武安国家森林公园种子植物区系特征及与其他植物区系的关系
Geographical Patterns of Floristic Transition of Seed Plant in North-south Range-gorge Region in Western Yunnan and the Biogeographical Significance 云南西部纵向岭谷区种子植物区系过渡性的地理分布格局及其生物地理意义
Analysis on the diversity of seed plant in Shanshan of Xinjiang 新疆鄯善种子植物物种多样性及区系分析
Study on Seed Plant Flora at Jiulongshan National Forest Park 平湖九龙山国家级森林公园种子植物区系分析
Floristic analysis of seed plant genera in Xinjiang 新疆种子植物属的区系地理成分分析
The result is objectively reflected status of seed plant diversity in flood plain of the Fen River. 研究结果客观地反映了汾河河漫滩种子植物多样性的现状。
Study of the Phenology of the Seed Plant of the Beijing's City Zone 北京城区种子植物的物候研究
The photosynthetic rate and its diurnal variation of a single cucumber leaf of the seed plant of Tian Jin No. 4 cucumber were measured. 以津研4号为试材,研究了黄瓜种株光合速率及其日变化。
Computer Simulation on Vegetative Growth Process of Seed Plant 种子植物系统营养生长过程的计算机仿真
An information system of seed plant in wuhan has been constructed, using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access 2000, based on the data collected from many kinds of resources. 在广泛参考各类文献的基础上,搜集了大量的文字和图片资料,运用VISUALBASIC6.0编程语言及MicrosoftAccess2000数据库软件,建立了武汉市植物多样性信息系统。
Floristic analyses of all seed plant genera and dominant plant genera and dominant species show that the region is dominated by temperate floristic elements and typically characterized by warm temperature vegetation types. 对全部种子植物属、优势植物属及优势种的区系分析,显示出该区植物区系以温带成分占优势,具有暖温带植被类型的典型特征。
The relationship among the main factors which affecting the seed yield of outdoor wintering seed collecting were analysed, and the cultural measures were put forward for obtaining 300 kg seeds by mu which according to the growth characters of seed plant, population dynamic index. 本文对影响甜菜露地越冬采种种子产量的主要因素间关系进行了研究分析,并根据种株生育性状、群体动态指标提出了获得300kg产量所采取的栽培措施。
The genera of seed plant are classified as 13 areal types. 植物属具有13种分布区类型;
Preliminary Studies of Hebei Chinese Endemic Genera of Seed Plant 河北中国种子植物特有属初步研究
Material on Seed Plant Flora of Southeast China& The new areal area of species in China and Zhejiang province 中国东南地区种子植物区系新资料&我国和浙江省分布的新记录种
Most of them are distributed in the temperate zone in terms of the geographic composition of seed plant genera. 从种子植物属的地理成分来看,温带分布的类型居多。
From the statistics and analysis of the areal-types of families, genus and species basing primary survey of the region, the composition, characteristics and geographic element of the seed plant flora in the region were report in this paper. 对该区植物从科、属和种的分布区类型进行了统计分析,另外将该区区系特征与其他几个地区进行了对比分析。
Studies on pollen size and seed plant characteristics of sugarbeet 甜菜花粉粒大小及其种株特性的研究
Studies on the Chinese endemic families and genera of the seed plant flora in Qinling Mountain 秦岭种子植物区系中的中国特有科属研究
The preliminary study on the seed plant flora of the natural sharptooth oak forest communities in Qinling Mountain 秦岭天然锐齿栎林群落区系研究